Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Multiplication Mats and Playdough

Yeah I brought out the playdough with my second graders and you know what?  Not a single life was lost!  Some say I'm a hero, but I'm mortal just like everyone else.  I put my jeans on one leg at a time.

I've been teaching my kids the times tables.  You know, the basics like the 0s, 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s.  I noticed something during drills (which they love by the way).  I noticed that some kids were blissfully unaware that multiplication is skip counting or repeated addition.  Then again, I also noticed that some kids knew this and were ready to move the heck on.

So I set out and made these multiplication mats.

Look they stick!

I printed them out and laminated them which made them wipeable.  I first intended to use them with dry erase markers but then I realized I had a ton of playdough and little kids love love love playdough.  So playdough it was.

I explained the process to them and soon they were "playing at multiplication".  Mind you they had to write their answers in a handy dandy answer sheet.  After completing each set, they took a timed multiplication test.  I made it timed because I wanted to see if they really understood and not just added with their little fingers and toes.

Fun was had by all.

I worked with the kiddos that really struggle with the concept and they seemed to understand.  The proof will be in the pudding.  The pudding being next time I test them.

This is literally the messiest it ever got.  Winning!

The kids really loved getting their hands into the work! 

You can find this resource in my store if you're interested in purchasing this for your kiddos. Just click any of the links.

 My Multiplication Mat

Thanks for stopping by! 

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