Friday, August 3, 2018

Thinking About Flipping Your Classroom?

I'm on summer break right now, and although I should be enjoying my free time and relaxing with a drink or two, my mind is actually back at school.  What's that about?  I mean May rolls around, and I'm like scratching at the walls to get the heck out.  Then I'm home for three weeks, and I'm dying to get back!  Makes no sense!  I must be a glutton for punishment.

This year, I decided to do something to refresh my desire to come in every day and give those kiddos my all; past January of course. I'm going to attempt a classroom flip! 

What's a classroom flip you ask? Well for those of you (like literally 6 people) who don't know, a classroom flip is where you go into a crap fest, prison cell looking, dungeon of torture like classroom and turn it into a pimped out place that could quite literally be featured on MTV Cribs.  Is that still like a thing? That's what I'm trying to do this year. 

 Let me tell you another reason why I'm doing it.  Just between you and me, I'm getting a kid this year ( I will not be posting this kid's picture or mentioning the name.) who has severe, I mean SEVERE, behavioral problems.  Not an issue with me because I am known as the kid whisperer in my circles.  However, this little person may need some extra lovin and an environment that is calming and cheery.  I will provide my people.  I WILL provide.  Also, I want a cute classroom!  There; I said it.  

It's August 2nd, and my principal is probably going to send police to my house for a wellness check if I call in and ask her to allow me to start decorating my classroom now.  So basically, all I can do is make lists and blueprints and schematics at this point.  

I should probably mention that my classroom looks like a jail cell.  It has light pink, brick walls, and darker pink paper walls.  Y'all there's like 8 shades of pink up in that place.  There is even a bullet  rock hole in my window.  I work in the city.  The gritty city.  I have my work cut out for me on this flip.  Also, I can't paint in there.  I asked the custodian if they would paint it for me and he said, "If we get around to it, I'll see what I can do."  This translates to not a chance in H E double hockey sticks.  

So I'm thinking I'll do some curtains.  Maybe some cute quotes along this wall above the windows.  I'm thinking of adding some bulletin boards and shelves along the wall with the dark pink paint and maybe buy some comfy chairs for the corner where that easel is.

 I'm a special education teacher, so naturally, I get a smaller room since at most I get like 8 kids. So I'm thinking of covering that massive, gross wooden cabinet thing with a less offensive contact paper. I want to dress up the door and above it. My teacher desk area will get a little lift as well.  Oh and that embarrassing conference area under the flag needs major TLC.  So that's what I'm working with folks.  I will keep you posted on my progress.  Please pray for me.  Hopefully, I won't spend so much that I end up losing my house.

I just realized I may have a chair problem.  There's like literally 10,000 chairs in that room!!! 

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