Thursday, February 28, 2019

Healthy Teacher, Happy Teacher

If you're a teacher, you know how important your health is.  Nobody has time for calling out sick and prepping for a substitute.

Teaching is taxing on the body! You're always on. You can't sit back and let it coast. You need stamina if you're going to survive until retirement.

Here is a list of must-do, self-care activities that are not only easy to implement but also vital to your health and well being.

Drink Plenty of Water
It is no secret that drinking plenty of water is good for your health. There are numerous articles written in medical journals about this. Teachers especially need to follow this advice since we use our voices all day and often work in stuffy classrooms. Staying hydrated helps our skin from becoming overly dry, helps us stay fuller longer, and helps us strengthen our immune system to fight off diseases.   Get a nice insulated cup for yourself to make hydration more fun.

Manage Your Stress
Teaching can be stressful! This is also no secret. It's a demanding job that pulls you in all directions and as teachers, we tend to give our all to our work and students. Many times we let the hustle and bustle of our classroom lives get the best of us. Perhaps we have a student who just sets off all our triggers. Maybe it's administration and their impossible hurdles. Whatever the stressor, we need to combat it to preserve our health.

One way to manage your stress is to befriend fellow teachers at your school or online. Instagram and Facebook are one place to find such people. Ideally, you should try to make connections within your school or district because these are the folks who will most likely be able to commiserate with you. Caveat try not to get bogged down in the negativity of teaching. Find positivity and run with it!

My team on Read Across America Day.

Another way to manage stress is to create a warm teaching environment. Make your classroom a place you want to be. Keep it clutter free and try to use personal touches that remind you of happiness. I use pictures of my dog and family. I also decorate my classroom in cheerful colors.

My classroom is full of happy colors.

Get Some Exercise
Outside of school, you can try to implement a workout routine to manage stress. Exercise releases all kinds of feel-good chemicals. Your body will look good, your mind will feel better, and your overall health will improve.

My dog is not the most active.

These are just a few suggestions to keep you sane and healthy throughout the school year. Comment what works for you. I would love to hear what things work for you!